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Adoption Update - Scrabble

This is the story of a timid pup named Scrabble. When she first arrived at AARCS she was so scared of people that she was apprehensive to get close to them. Now her name is Dory and she is a happy and outgoing dog that is living her best life with her new furever family.

Although she still suffers from some nervousness and separation anxiety, this beautiful girl has taken steps to becoming a confident and vibrant pooch. Just recently, she was in BC competing in a Barn Hunt competition in front of over twenty people watching and chatting! Not only was she being brave and lovely but this awesome little lady took home a ribbon!

It is clear that Dory has done a complete 180 thanks to her wonderful fur-mama and fellow sister. Everyday she is learning more and more about the joys of life and maybe even some new tricks along the way. The way she keeps posing for pictures, you can tell that one day she is going to be a supermodel.

Special thanks to:

AARCS: For letting me tell the stories of these wonderful little wonders.

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